computer science question and answer

Bellman ford algorithm does not work for graphs that
 Contains negative weight cycles 

In queue an element can be inserted and deleted by using
 Rear and front 
Time complexity for evaluating postfix expression
The maximum number of nodes at level i of a binary tree is
The maximum number of nodes in a binary tree of height k is
 2K+1 i>=1 
The complexity of heap sort algorithm
A full binary tree with n non leaf noad contains
 2n+1 nodes 
What is the use of banker’s algorithm
 To prevent deadlock in os 
What is the extension of backup file
The number of process completed per unit time is known as 

 How many digit of DNIC identify country
 First three 
If you wanted to locate the hardware address of a local device which protocol would you use 
 The dialogue control and token management are responsibility of which layer
 Session layer

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