Some of my reader asked me to provide modal paper related to electronics engineering. so i collect some importance questions related to electronics engg. that asked in DMRC , BHEL , RRB UPPCL.
There are many good Engineering Entrance Examinations Preparation Books which have proved to very helpful. These books include the test pattern, a well designed study strategy, old question papers and some very useful ticks to save time.

There are many good Engineering Entrance Examinations Preparation Books which have proved to very helpful. These books include the test pattern, a well designed study strategy, old question papers and some very useful ticks to save time.
Books for Junior Engineer (Electronics) Exam Preparation
Prevoius year Question Papers of electronics
paper 2
The boundary between p-type material and n-type material
is called
An n-type semiconductor material
An ideal diode presents a(n) ________ when reversed-biased
and a(n) ________ when forward-biased.
What types of impurity atoms are added to increase the
number of conduction-band electrons in intrinsic silicon?
There is a small amount of current across the barrier of a
reverse-biased diode. This current is called
VSB modulation is preferred in TV because |
In colour TV receiver, varactor diode is used for |
A 400 W carrier is amplitude modulated with m =
0.75. The total power in AM is
In radar systems PRF stands for |
Which of the following is the indirect way of FM
As the frequency increases, the absorption of ground wave
by earth's surface
The velocity of sound waves in air
The range of a cordless telephone is about
The rate at which information can be carried through a
communication channel depends on
A carrier is simultaneously modulated by two sine waves
having modulation indices of 0.4 and 0.3. The total modulation index will be
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