"Teaching Aptitude/ Child Pedagogy" is one of the common subject/section in any government teaching exam. This subject plays a very important role in teaching examination. This subjects contains approx. 30-40 questions. we can easily score only if we practice it on regular basis. These questions are not only for CTET Exam but also for KVS, NVS, DSSSB, UPTET & STET also. So In this post we will provide you the top 30 questions which will help you in preparing for Child Pedagogy subject. if you are looking for Books for UPTET exam preparation click here
Q1. The two main personality differences identified by Eysenck are
(a) extroversion/introversion and neuroticism/stability
(b) pessimism/optimism and sufficiency/insecurity
(c) extroversion/introversion and shrewdness/insecurity
Q2. Erik Erikson’s theory is a good example of the ……………. approach.
(a) proactive
(b) idiographic
(c) nomothetic
(d) psychoanalytic
Q3. Attitudes are…………. throughout life and are embodied our socialization process.
(a) constant
(b) seen
(c) rigid
(d) learned
Q4. Who is called as father of Conditioning ?
(a) Pavlov
(b) Koffka
(c) Wertheimer
(d) Skinner
Q5. Which of the following concept in the basic element of conditioned Response?
(a) Associative Reflex
(b) Association Response
(c) Stimulus effect
(d) Latency Response
Q6. When a child is asked that chocolate is not given to you, if you are telling-a-lie. This conditioning is an example of
(a) Non-reinforces training
(b) Discriminatory punishment training
(c) Escape training
(d) Discriminatory training
Q7. The meaning of word conditioning is
(a) Relationship between the stimuli
(b) Substitution of organism behaviour with another behaviour
(c) Accommodation with new stimuli
(d) Learning through exercise
Q8. Which one of the following is not associated with Classical conditioning ?
(a) Contemporary conditioning
(b) Delayed conditioning
(c) Trace conditioning
(d) Non-reinforced conditioning
Q9. Instrumental conditioning is also called as
(a) S-type conditioning
(b) Q-type conditioning
(c) C-type conditioning
(d) R-type conditioning
Q10. In which type of conditioning the reward is depend on the response ?
(a) Classical conditioning
(b) Instrumental conditioning
(c) Respondents behaviour
(d) none of these
Q11. The concept of ………….. indicates the level of intelligence achieved, but without reference to chronological age, it gives no indication of the brightness or dullness of the individual.
(a) Intelligence Quotient
(b) Mental age
(c) Age scale
Q12. The bright normal person has an IQ of-
(a) 120-129
(b) 110-119
(c) 130-140
(d) None of these
Q13. The skill of a person who inherits musical voice depends on-
(a) Heredity
(b) Environment
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)
Q14. One way to select traits is to take a broad array of descriptions and simplify it by seeing which traits go together in clusters. This procedure is called-
(a) Factor analysis
(b) Dynamic approach
(c) Behavioral approach
(d) None of the above
Q15. According to whom, babies have a highly action-oriented intelligence ?
(a) J. B. Watson
(b) Jerome S. Bruner
(c) Alfred Binet
(d) None of these
Q16. ………………… refers to what you know, about what you know and how accurately you can assess your own cognitive processes.
(a) Metacognition
(b) Cognition
(c) Epistemology
(d) Meta components
Q17. Spearman’s theory of intelligence explained intelligence in terms of general intelligence and ………… abilities.
(a) Reasoning
(b) Particular
(c) Specific
(d) Regular
Q18. Sternberg’s componential sub-theory is called-
(a) The contextual sub-theory
(b) The two-facet sub-theory
(c) The triarchic theory
(d) All the above
Q19. Assertion (A): Sternberg’s theory of intelligence is called triarchic theory of intelligence.
Reason (R) : His componential sub-theory is supplemented by a contextual sub-theory and a two-facet sub-theory.
Codes :
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
Q20. ‘Intelligence is said to be constituted of a multitude of separate factors, or elements, each one being, minute element of ability.” Who is the speaker?
(a) Thurstone
(b) Vernon
(c) Thorndike
(d) Guilford
Q21. The ability of the learner to utilize or apply the acquired knowledge or skills in school to solve problems in similar or related situations at some future date is known as
(a) Knowledge acquisition
(b) Reinforcement
(c) Motivation
Q22. In the learning of sciences and math’s, scientifically there is no difference in performance as a result of gender. Which of the following influence gender based performance ?
(a) Culture
(b) Attitude
(c) Stereotyping
(d) Race
Q23. Learning is best defined as a process that involves :
(a)Two stimuli being paired that produce a conditioned response over time
(b) An organism interacting with its environment, becoming changed by experience, and thereby modifying subsequent behaviours
(c) An organism interacting with its environment through autoshaping and conditioning
(d) An organism responding to its environment based on reinforcement or punishment for behaviours
Q24. The basic understanding of the relationship between unconditioned response (UR) and conditioned response (CR) included which of the following ideas ?
(a) The UR and CR are not always the same response
(b) Organisms come to generally behave toward conditioned stimulus
(c) Stimulus substitution
(d) The UR and CR are always the same response
Q25. Which of the following is accurate in relation to the law of effect ?
(a) The law of effect relates to Pavlov’s proposal that reward will strengthen the connection between the response that proceeded it and any stimuli present when it is delivered
(b) In modern terminology, Thorndike’s ‘satisfiers’ and ‘annoyers’ are called enforcers and punishers
(c) In the law of effect, a stimulus-response (S-R) association is learned.
(d) It is generally thought that the likelihood of an animal responding in a particular way cannot be controlled by the consequence of that response.
Q26. Which of the following statements applies to instrumental learning ?
(a) Instrumental learning is the process by which an animal learns about the relationship between its behaviour and the consequence of that behaviour.
(b) Instrumentally trained responses are not entirely elicited by identifiable stimuli.
(c) Instrumental learning allows the animal to control the occurrence of environmental events.
(d) All of the above
Q27. Generally the construct of Personality can be defined in terms of
(a) Biological Approaches
(b) Psycho-sexual Approaches
(c) Psycho-physical Approaches
(d) Bio-chemical approaches
Q28. The consistent and distinct style of behaviour tendencies are called as
(a) Habit
(b) Trait
(c) Learning
(d) Instinct
Q29. The personal changes that occur among the students through socialization can be judged through
(a) Inter-personal relationship among the specialised groups of the students
(b) The activities of the student
(c) Collecting information from the parents
(d) Asking to the students
Q30. Co-operation is the fundamental basis of interpersonal relations which means
(a) It is self-centred in the early development of the children
(b) It is society-centred which is expressed in interpersonal relationship
(c) It can be learned through imitation and suggestibility
(d) It is voluntary in nature and can not be imposed
Q31. Maslow places ………………… needs at the bottom of hierarchy.
(a) Esteem
(b) Belongingness
(c) Safety
Q32. Which need is on top of the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
(a) Self-actualization
(b) Esteem
(c) Belongingness
(d) Safety
Q33. ERG theory was given by—
(a) Maslow
(b) Alderfer
(c) Jung
(d) McClellan
Q34. Reinforcement theory of motivation is given by—
(a) Jung
(b) Herzberg
(c) Skinner
(d) Maslow
Q35. Which law of learning states that things most often repeated are best retained?
(a) Law of readiness
(b) Law of exercise
(c) Law of effect
(d) Law of recency
Q36. The state of being first creates a strong almost unusable impression. This is—
(a) Law of primacy
(b) Law of intensity
(c) Law of recency
(d) Law of effect
Q37. Reaction time is a component of—
(a) Physical fitness
(b) Motor fitness
(c) Health related physical fitness
(d) None of the above
Q38. Theory of conditioning was given by—
(a) Aristotle
(b) Pavlov
(c) Gestalt
(d) Thorndike
Q39. The knowing aspect or Awareness in psychology is known as—
(a) Affection
(b) Conation
(c) Cognition
(d) None of the above
Q40. Inborn tendency for particular mode of behaviour in lower or higher animals is called—
(a) Emotion
(b) Feeling
(c) Instinct
(d) Sentiment
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