UPTET 2018 exam schedule has been released by Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board (UPBEB). UPTET is a state-level test, conducted by UPBEB (Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board) for recruitment of Primary and Upper Primary Level teachers in various schools of Uttar Pradesh. UPTET 2018 Application Form begins at Upbasiceduboard.gov.in from September 18, 2018will be accepted till October 4, 2018. The exam has been scheduled on November 4 in two sessions. Here you can find top 50 question asked in child pedagogy

- Candidates can apply at UPTET Official Website. Candidates from general & OBC category have to pay INR 500, while candidates from SC/ST have to pay INR 300.
- The UPTET Admit Card for the exam will be uploaded on the official website on October 18.
- The answer key for the exam will be uploaded on the official website on November 5, 2018. Candidates will be allowed to submit their objections on the answer key.
- The UPTET 2018 Result will be released on November 20, 2018. Qualifying candidates will be awarded the UPTET Eligibility Certificate which is valid for 5 years.
Important Dates for UPTET 2018
- Notification Issued : 15/09/2018
- Application Begin : 18/09/2018
- Last Date for Registration : 04/10/2018
- Last Date Pay Exam Fee : 05/10/2018
- Last Date Complete Form : 06/10/2018
- Exam Date : 04/11/2018
- Admit Card Available : October 2018
- Result Declared : 20/11/2018
Books for UPTET Exam
UPTET 2018 Eligibility Criteria
UPTET has two sets of applicants - Applicants for Primary Teachers (Class 1 to 5) and Applicants for Primary Teachers (Class 6 to 8). The eligibility criteria for both sets of applicants are different.
UPTET Qualification of Primary Teachers (Class 1 to 5)
- Candidate must have scored a minimum of 50% marks in intermediate examination.
- Candidates who have completed their graduation or those who are studying in the 2nd year of BTC/ passed in an institute affiliated to NCTE.
- Candidates who have completed their graduation or those who are studying in final year of D.Ed (Specialization) in an institute recognized by RCI.
- Candidates who have completed their graduation or those who are studying in the 2nd year of BTC (Urdu)/ passed in an institute affiliated to NCTE.
- Candidates who have completed their graduation or those who are in final year/ passed Diploma in Teaching from Aligarh Muslim University.
- For Urdu Teaching: Candidates who have completed their graduation or those who are Moa’llim-e-Urdu degree holders from Aligarh Muslim University before August 11, 1997.
- Candidates who are currently studying in the final year B.EL.ED.
UPTET Qualification of Primary Teachers (Class 6 to 8)
- Candidate must have scored a minimum of 50% marks in intermediate examination.
- Candidates who have completed their graduation or those who are studying in the 2nd year of BTC in an institute affiliated to NCTE
- Candidates who have completed their graduation/ post-graduation with minimum of 50% marks or those who have passed or currently studying in 2nd year of B.Ed in an institute affiliated to NCTE.
- Candidates who have completed their graduation/ post-graduation with minimum of 50% marks or those who have passed or currently studying in 2nd year of L.T. in an institute affiliated to NCTE.
- Candidates who have completed their graduation/ post-graduation with minimum of 50% marks or those who have passed or currently studying in 2nd year of B.Ed (Specialization) in an institute affiliated to RCI.
- Candidates who have scored 50% marks in intermediate and who are currently studying in the final year or passed B.Ed.
- Candidates who are currently studying in the final year or passed B.S.C.Ed.
- Candidates who are currently studying in the final year or passed B.EL.ED.
The age of the applicant must be between 18 Years and 35 Years. Candidates who belong to reserved categories would be given age relaxation as per the norms prescribed by the government.
How to Apply for UPTET 2018
It will have to be filed in online mode.Online Registration
- Aspirants of UPTET must register themselves on the official website of UPBEB i.e. upbasiceduboard.gov.in.
- During registration Columns that are marked with ‘*’, cannot be left blank.
- Fill in the important details such as Name, educational qualifications, personal details and Other details asked in the online form.
- It is mandatory to select the district at the time of UPTET Registration from which candidate wants to appear.
- Applicant has to mention the photo identity proof and its ID number at the time of UPTET Registration.
UPTET 2018 Application Fee
- Payment of fees is done after UPTET Registration.
- The fee has to be paid either online or offline.
- Online options include: SBI Internet Banking / Debit Cards / Credit Cards / internet banking facility of other banks.
- Offline payment can be made by taking print out of e-challan of SBI bank slip.
- The fee structure varies for candidates from different category.
General / OBC : 500/
SC / ST : 300/-
Uploading of Documents
Once the fee is paid, upload all the necessary documents online.- These documents include the recent photograph, intermediate mark sheet and proof of eligibility.
- Candidate seeking reservation will have to upload the required set of certificates/ documents before the closing date.
- After the payment of UPTET Fee, complete the TET Online Form and mention the Registration Number, Date of Birth, and Transaction ID/Journal Number (provided by bank) and submit the UPTET Form.
Printing of Application Form
- After final submission, a computer-generated registration and password will appear on the screen.
- Use this registration number and password to login.
- Full application form will be displayed. Take the print out of the application form for future use.
- Candidates applying for UPTET can apply for either PGT or TGT. If any candidate wishes to apply for both the posts, then separate UPTET Application Form has to be filled.
UPTET 2018 Paper Pattern
- UPTET 2018 will be conducted as two separate papers- Paper 1 and Paper 2. Paper 1 is conducted for candidates applying for appointment of teacher for class 1 to 5. Whereas, Paper 2 is conducted for appointment of teacher for class 6 to 8.
- UPTET exam is conducted in offline mode.
- Objective type multiple choice questions are asked in the exam.
- There is no provision of negative marking in UPTET. Both the Papers have 150 questions.
- Each question carries one mark.
- Every question carries 4 options, out of which only 1 would be correct.
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