Here, In this post we are providing section wise preparation tips and Best Books for SSC GD exam Preparation. So, stay connected with us to get the latest updates to know how to prepare for SSC Constable GD Exam 2018.
SSC GD 2018 Exam Pattern
SSC GD 2018 Exam will be conducted in three main steps:
- Written examination (Computer Based)
- Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
- Physical Standard Test (PST)
SSC GD Preparation Tips for General Intelligence & Reasoning
- It is the most important section, which carries 25 marks in the exam. You should give at least 2 hours daily during SSC GD Preparation of General Intelligence & Reasoning section.
- Reasoning questions are less time consuming than quantitative aptitude question. If you make a study plan and learn short tricks with proper guidance then you can score high marks in SSC Constable GD Exam.
- You should focus more on important topics for the Preparation of SSC GD Exam which are mentioned below so that you will get more marks: –
- Analogies
- Similarities and Differences
- Coding and Decoding
- Relationship Concepts
- Arithmetical Reasoning and Figural Classification
- Arithmetic Number Series
Preparation Tips for General Knowledge and General Awareness
- Any type of current affairs’ questions can be included in SSC GD General Awareness section. So, you should read newspapers and watch news channels to grab the current knowledge for SSC GD Preparation.
- You should make short notes so that you can revise in the last days of SSC GD Exam.
- For the SSC GD Exam Preparation for General Knowledge, some Important topics are given below: –
- History
- Culture
- General Polity
- Indian Constitution
- Geography
SSC GD Written Exam Tips for Elementary Mathematics
- Elementary Mathematics needs more practice so that you can easily recognize the nature of questions. This will also increase your speed while solving questions.
- You should learn formula & short tricks while SSC GD preparation, because, you always need to save time in the SSC GD Written Exam to solve this section.
- You should make a time table to manage your time and give at least 3 hours daily for SSC GD Maths Preparation.
- Number System
- Percentages
- Averages
- Ratio and Proportions
- Interests
- Profit and Loss
- Discount
- Mensuration
- Time and Distance
- Time and Work
- Fundamental Arithematic Operations
SSC GD Preparation Tips for English
- For the preparation of SSC GD English section, you should read English newspapers, watch English channels or movies with sub titles to improve your reading, speaking, and understanding skills.
- Solve SSC GD English mock test papers in given time limits.
- You must learn at least one new word daily.
- The focus should be more on selected topics, which are given below:
- Spot the Error
- Synonyms/Homonyms
- Antonyms
- Idioms & Phrases
- Passage
- Spellings/Detecting Mis-spelt words
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